Neat Feet
Grooming is essential for healthy paws.To help prevent ice balls from forming, keep hair trimmed around the paws and in between the toes. Trim the hair between the paw pads so that it is even with the paw. Keep nails short. Before the walk, apply a thin layer of a protective balm, such as Bag Balm. If you cannot find Bag Balm, Vaseline is a good alternative. After the walk, clean your dog’s paws to remove snow, ice and ice melt. For quick convenience, keep dog friendly wipes by the door. Inspect the pads for any cuts, and apply another thin layer of balm to moisturize the pads and soothe any irritation they may have.
Salt and Ice Melts
Rock salt and other salt-based ice melters contain sodium chloride or potassium chloride which can heat up to 175 degrees when exposed to water, ice, and low temperatures. They will freeze to a dog's paws and fur. When he is inside with higher temperatures, these salts can burn the skin causing ulcers and redness to tissue which can lead to bacterial infections. Dogs can also develop intestinal problems and inflammation of the stomach (gastritis) from licking the salt-based products off their paws. Try to keep from walking on sidewalks and streets that have been heavily treated, and do not let your dog eat slush or drink from puddles. Consider using a pet friendly ice melt on your driveway and sidewalks.
Dog Boots
Dog boots will protect paws from snow, ice, toxins and frostbite. Boots should be snug enough so they do not slip off, yet not too tight that they constrict the paw. Although there are plenty of cute-outfit-coordinating-boots out there, make sure you choose a design for warmth, protection and comfort. On an average it takes two weeks for dogs to get used to the feel of boots. Start off with small, positive training sessions in the house. Offer plenty of praise for your dog's efforts. Gradually increase the length of the training sessions in the house and outside, until your dog will tolerate the boots and happily trot along beside you.
As long as you apply 'safe paw habits', there is no reason that you and your dog can't continue your walks together, even during the winter months.